Admission procedure and Policy

we embrace the Montessori system to provide a nurturing and stimulating environment for children aged 2.5 to 7.5 years. Our holistic approach to education ensures that each child develops academically, socially, and emotionally at their own pace.


Admission Criteria


Age Requirement:

 We accept children between 2.5 and 7.5 years of age.

Readiness Assessment:

 A simple readiness assessment may be conducted to understand the child’s current level of development and readiness for our program.


Admission Process


Initial Inquiry:

Parents can contact the school via phone, email, or by visiting our campus to express their interest in enrolling their child.


Campus Tour and Orientation:

 Interested families are encouraged to schedule a campus tour. During the tour, parents and children can observe classrooms and learn more about our Montessori approach.

An orientation session will be held to explain our educational philosophy, curriculum, and the daily routine.


Application Submission

   - Parents need to complete and submit the application form along with the following documents:

  - Three latest photographs size 3.5 x 3 with blue background

  -Copy of CNIC Card (father & mother)

-  Copy of Jamaat Identity card of student , father & Mother (if applicable)

-          Copy of Birth certificate (NADRA)

-          Copy of “B” Form (NADRA)


Readiness Assessment:

   - Once the application is received, we will schedule a readiness assessment for the child. This is a friendly and informal session conducted by our teachers to gauge the child's developmental stage and readiness for our program.


Parent Interview:

 A meeting between the parent and the school’s admission team will be arranged. This meeting aims to discuss the child's needs, parents' expectations, and any specific concerns.


Admission Decision:

 After the assessment and meeting, the school will inform parents about the admission decision. Successful applicants will receive an offer letter.


Enrollment and Fee Payment:

Upon acceptance, parents are required to complete the enrollment process by filling out additional forms and agreements.

Payment of the enrollment fee and the first term’s tuition fee must be made to secure the child’s place.


Orientation and Integration:

New students will be invited to an orientation day where they can get familiar with their teachers, classmates, and classroom environment before the official start of school.


Fee Structure

Application Fee: A non-refundable application fee is required at the time of receiving the application form.


Tuition Fees: Detailed information about the tuition fees and payment schedule is available upon request or during the campus tour.


For any further inquiries or to schedule a campus tour, please feel free to contact our admissions office.


We look forward to welcoming you and your child to our school community!