Campus Facilities

Our well-equipped campus provides a stimulating environment for learning and growth.

ü  Classrooms: Spacious and well-lit classrooms promote focused learning.

ü  Library: Our well-stocked library has over 10,000 books, fostering a love for reading and research.

ü  Science Labs: Three dedicated science labs equipped for practical learning ignite students' curiosity and encourage a scientific approach.

ü  Computer Labs: Two upgraded computer labs ensure students have access to the latest technology and acquire modern day skills.

ü  Multipurpose Halls: Spacious halls like Bhojani Hall and the assembly hall provide venues for various events and activities.

ü  Sports Facilities: While not directly on campus, the school outsources the use of grounds/ venue for various sports activities and events, ensuring students have opportunities for physical development.

ü  Medical: On-site medical officer available for emergencies and student care. Regular vaccination, screening programs, and health awareness sessions are organized.


ü  Mental Well-being: Student counselor is accessible for mental health support. Awareness sessions are conducted for students and parents on mental well-being.