Our Units

FEN Educational Units

The units operating under FEN include the Fatimiyah Montessori System, Fatimiyah Girls School, Fatimiyah Boys School, Fatimiyah College (Boys and Girls Campuses) and Fatimiyah Institute of Educational Sciences. 

Fatimiyah Montessori System

Welcome to Fatimiyah Montessori System. We are pleased to announce the opening of Fatimiyah Montessori system. The Early childhood program of Fatimiyah Education Network has been replaced, from High scope approach to pure Montessori Philosophy.

Montessori is an educational approach developed by Dr.Maria Montessori. It is characterized by an emphasis on independence, freedom within limits and respect for child’s natural, psychological, physical and social development.

The new campus of FMS has been functional since August 2014.It was inaugurated on 20th April 2015 on the auspicious occasion of Wiladat of Hazrat Fatima Zehra (S.A). The training of the entire faculty took place during the summer of 2014. There are 18 fully equipped Montessori classrooms designed to cater children between the ages of 2.5 to 6 years, free to choose activities from the Montessori material which is displayed in an ordered and accessible way.

Montessori approach believes that the teacher, child and environment create a learning triangle, and what the children learn depends greatly on their teachers, experiences and environment. The classrooms are prepared by our teachers to encourage independence, freedom within limits, and a sense of order. Class I & II are also part of FMS.

It is a pleasure to inform that, within a very short period of time FMS has succeeded in implementing Montessori Method and is now registered with Sindh Board of Education and Pakistan Montessori Association.

Fatimiyah Girls School

Fatimiyah Girls School (FGS) was established in 1965. In nearly five decades since its inception, the school has made a mark throughout the learning community. The qualified and committed faculty has always contributed to the educational development of the students. During the last twenty years, the students have regularly secured top positions in the SSC-II examinations. 

Fatimiyah Boys School

Fatimiyah Boys School (FBS) was founded in 1996 to groom the intellectual and spiritual skills of the students. The competent and devoted staff has always given their best input to the learning aspirations of the students. Excellent Board results of the Matriculation Examinations and outstanding Co- Curricular performance are the benchmarks of this institution. 

Fatimiyah College (Boys & Girls Campuses)

FEN escalated its echelons of educational drive gradually and now Alhamdulillah after the emergence of Fatimiyah College (Girls Campus) and Fatimiyah College (Boys Campus) in the years 2003 and 2006 respectively, we have made the move effectively towards holistic education to the degree level.

The College in affiliation with the Board of Intermediate Education, Karachi and the University of Karachi for Intermediate and Degree programs respectively develops the abilities and skills of the students. The exceptional record of the College with respect to sincere involvement in curricular and co-curricular activities is a testimony of performance and pursuit for excellence of the students. It is due to the commitment and untiring efforts of all stake holders that such a level of excellence has been achieved over the years.