Students Code of Conduct


l.   All students are expected to follow the code of conduct of the college and present themselves with dignity as mature, law-abiding, and responsible students.

2.  Students with improper uniforms are not allowed to enter in the college premises. They are liable to be sent home, in this case college disclaims all responsibility.

3.  Students are strongly discouraged from indulging in ostentation in terms of clothes, makeup, jewellery, or extravagant use of money in college. Haircut of boys should be appropriate and decent.

4, Student shall not engage in, assist and promote any kind of activity of a disruptive nature. participation in any political activity is also strictly prohibited on campus.

5. Students are not allowed to consume Chalia, Gutka, and Pan Masala etc. in the college premises. Smoking, and/or the use or possession of illegal drugs, substances, or alcohol is strictly forbidden.

6  Students are not allowed to bring cell phones, audio/video or other electronic equipment to college If found be confiscated

7. Students must not damage or vandalize college property. This includes college building equipment etc. Students causing damage to the college property would be held responsible and the administration Will assess a proper amount for such damage parents/students will have to pay for damage/s along with the penalty_ Student should not litter, scribble on walls or doors, damage, or misuse college property or furniture.

8.  Student should not disturb the classroom or college discipline. In the case of indiscipline, strict action will be taken by the college disciplinary committee.

9.  Any student caught committing assault molestation, or harassment of students, staff, faculty, or other clients, within or outside the college, through conventional or electronic means, or an act of Violence causing injury or damage to any person or property in the college, will face disciplinary action.

10. Use of unfair means, such as cheating in test and examination, is strictly forbidden.

11. Any student caught committing any of the above-mentioned offences is liable for suspension of expulsion from the college, depending on the severity of the offence. Any decision made or disciplinary action taken by the disciplinary committee or college management shall be final and unchallengeable.

12. It is mandatory for all parents/guardians to attend the parent-teacher meetings, which are held twice in an academic year.

13. It is the responsibility of the students to keep in touch with the college office and read notices about important matters such as deadlines, internal examination, BIEK enrollment and examination, date sheet, college dues, holidays etc.

14. No refund of any due will be made except caution money.

(N.B. The management of the college reserves the right to modify the rules any time during the year, without prior notice, if the need so arises.)

Additional Policies and Procedures

1.  The college timing is from 7:45 a.m. to 2.00 pm, Monday to Thursday and on 7:45 a.m. to 12:00 noon on Fridays. Last 20 minutes are reserved for Namaz (prayers). Students may offer prayers according to their Fiqh.

2.  As per college policy the minimum attendance required is 85%. Students who have less than 75% attendance during the academic year Will not be permitted to appear for the final examination of the Board of Intermediate Education, Karachi, as per BIEK rules.

3. Students who remain absent for consecutive seven working days or more, without prior written approval by the principal shall be marked as left. Readmission will be sole discretion of the management and will be treated as fresh admission.

4.  In case of absence due to illness exceeding three days a registered doctors medical certificate should be submitted to Principal Office.

5.  In case of unavoidable long leave, for not more than two weeks, a leave application along with documentary evidences must be submitted to admin office for principal's approval prior to the commencement of leave.

6.   No leave will be allowed for more than two weeks except for medical emergency. If the number of leave days extend from two weeks student Will be penalized as per the policy Of Fatimiyah College.

7.  It is mandatory for students to appear in all internal test examination of college. No leave will be entertained during college internal examination except for medical leave.